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OBOE works to provide resources to foster the skills needed for our children to succeed and maintain a competitive edge. Students envolved in music programs are better prepared to enter adulthood.

What is Taught

Managing practicing, rehearsing and performing while maintaining academic proficiciency.

What is Learned

Self-discipline and time management while maintaining other important aspects of his or her life.

Working in small groups (sectionals) to help make the greater group successful

Understanding the concept of teamwork and, more importantly, the value of listening to the input of others.

Opportunities for leadership not only are taught , but encouraged.

Leadership skills and confidence in helping build successes in life.

Reading, writing and interpreting music.  Encouraging expression.

Better communication skills both written and verbal.

Soloing and mastering new musical challenges

Self Confidence


There are many studies that substantiate the advantages that music education provides to students.  Here are a few statistics supporting the value of music education...

"The skills gained through sequential music instruction, including discipline and the ability to analyze, solve problems, communicate and work cooperatively, are vital for success in the 21st century workplace."

-U.S. House of Representatives, 2006

Dr. James Catterall of UCLA has analyzed the school records of 25,000 students as they moved from grade 8 to grade 10. He found that students who studied music and the arts had higher grades, scored better on standardized tests, had better attendance records and were more active in community affairs than other students. He also found that students from poorer families who studied the arts improved overall school performance more rapidly than all other students. 
— From Catterall, UCLA, Fall 1997 

Students in high-quality school music education programs score higher on standardized tests compared to students in schools with deficient music education programs, regardless of the socioeconomic level of community. Playing a musical instrument significantly enhances the brainstem's sensitivity to speech sounds. This relates to encoding skills involved with music and language. Experience with music at a young age can "fine-tune" the brains auditory system.  
— Nature Neuroscience, April 2007 

• Students in top-quality instrumental programs scored 19% higher in English than students in schools without a music program, and 32% higher in English than students in a deficient choral program.

• Students in top-quality instrumental programs scored 17% higher in mathematics than children in schools without a music program, and 33% higher in mathematics than students in a deficient choral program.

• Students at schools with excellent music programs had higher English test scores across the country than students in schools with low-quality music programs; this was also true when considering mathematics.

• Students in all regions with lower-quality instrumental programs scored higher in English and mathematics than students who had no music at all. 
— Journal for Research in Music Education, June 2007; Dr. Christopher Johnson, Jenny Memmott 

The OBOE Foundation

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